LEAP Elementary and Middle School Programs

Welcome to LEAP, Los Banos Unified School District’s before and afterschool program. LEAP is a homework support, tutoring, and enrichment activities program intended to promote the academic success and wellbeing of students in Tk - 8th grade.
The After School Program (ASP) begins at the end of every school day and remains open until 6:00 pm. The ASP offers daily nutritional snacks, homework support, physical activities and enrichment that is aligned with the school’s learning objectives. Below is the list of LBUSD schools with an After School Program.
The Before School Program (BSP) offers homework support, enrichment activities and breakfast. The BSP opens 1½ hours before the school day starts and remains open until school begins. The BSP operates every day school is in session. Below is the list of LBUSD schools with a Before School Program.
Summer and Intersession Program- LEAP offers intersession and summer programing every school year. Please email the LEAP office at LEAPOffice@losbanosusd.k12.ca.us for more information.
All Tk – 8th grade students are eligible for enrollment, however, LEAP priority enrollment is for unduplicated students, foster and homeless students and students in need of academic support with referrals from school administrators and teachers. Any additional space is filled on a first-come, first-served basis until the program reaches capacity. All additional students are placed on a waitlist and admitted into the program when space is available.
To register a student for enrollment, please complete an enrollment packet and deliver the completed packet to your school’s LEAP Site Leader. Enrollment packets are available for download on this webpage and are available at each school site. For additional information, please contact your school’s LEAP Site Leader listed below.
Before School Programs | After School Programs |
CE: (209)737-4183 GE: (209) 619-9952 HME: (209) 587-0442 LBE: (209) 587-0444 LFE: (209) 617-0585 MSE: (209) 829-2291 RME: (209) 587-0441 VE: (209) 829-5772 WUES: (209) 587-0443 LBJHS: (209) 587-0439 | TK: (209) 619-9866 CE: (209) 737-4183 GE: (209) 619-9952 HME: (209) 587-0442 LBE: (209) 587-0444 LFE: (209) 617-0585 MSE: (209) 829-2291 RME: (209) 587-0441 VE: (209) 829-5772 WUES: (209) 587-0443 CJHS:(209)704-8909 LBJHS: (209) 587-0439 |